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What is an 80% video and how do I use it?

What is an 80% video and how do I use it?

Are you considering creating an 80% video to shorten your sales cycle and supercharge your closing rates?

If so, you’ll want to ensure that you have a full understanding of where to use your video once it’s approved, so it can deliver the best results for you and your team.

So, where to start? As with any well-formed marketing strategy, the best place to start is with your buyer’s journey. Why? Because this will quickly identify any slow points in your sales process where an 80% video would be particularly beneficial.

To help you on this journey, we’ve put together a short guide on what an 80% video is and the top places you should consider sharing it.

What is an 80% video?

An 80% video is a compilation of questions answered on camera by your customer-facing team, addressing the most common questions asked by your audience during a certain part of your sales process.

By answering these questions through video content, you enable customers to advance in their buyer’s journey before you meet with them, thereby shortening your sales cycle.

Senior man in a business suit using a tablet, sitting at a desk with a laptop, being recorded on a camera.Do I need multiple 80% videos?

Yes, it’s likely you will have several 80% videos throughout your sales cycle. Why? Because medical device sales isn’t a simple process.

You may have an initial sales meeting, a hands-on workshop, a live product evaluation, meetings with procurement, and finally, a hospital-wide rollout of your product. At each point in this sales process, your sales team is likely fielding different questions.

Just imagine the time a series of 80% videos could save your sales team if all the commonly asked questions could be answered perfectly before each stage of your sales process. What impact would this have on the sales generated per hour of work by your team?

Do you want to shorten your sales cycle by up to 25%?

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Where should I share my 80% video?

The answer is simple: the more places you can share your 80% videos, the better—provided that your audience frequents those channels.

Here are a few platforms where you may consider sharing your 80% videos:

On your website

Your website is an excellent place for sharing your 80% video, as it’s often the first destination for your audience after they’ve heard about your device or technology. Placing your 80% video, whether as a whole or in parts, on your product page will help answer the questions your users might have around the clock, even before they get in touch with you.

This approach allows your sales team to discuss topics further down the sales cycle during the initial meeting or call, thereby shortening the overall sales process.

But it’s not just about shortening your sales cycle. Answering the actual questions your audience is asking will also boost your position on search engines and help attract more of your target audience to your product page. If your page is set up to convert, this will likely lead to more product inquiries.

On your social media channels

Another effective way to use your 80% video is by breaking it into individual questions and sharing them as short clips on your social media channels.

By doing so, you’ll be exposing your audience to your content multiple times, increasing the chances that your videos will be viewed and digested.

Additionally, this offers a great opportunity to direct your audience back to your product page, where they can view answers to all commonly asked questions and hopefully, get in touch to book an evaluation.

As part of your email marketing

Finally, consider using the shorter clips as part of an educational email campaign. This method allows you to gradually provide answers to the questions that are likely in your audience's mind, directly to their inbox.

Despite some beliefs to the contrary, email remains an effective tool in today’s digital age, especially when executed correctly with personalisation and accurate targeting, ensuring the information provided is of real value to your audience.

Similar to social media, these clips also offer an opportunity to direct your audience back to your product page, where they can take the next step by requesting an evaluation.

Splitting your initial video into multiple parts and publishing it across channels is also known as repurposing. If you’d like to know more about repurposing, you may be interested in reading our complete guide.

A cameraman recording a smiling businessman in a white shirt and purple tie during a corporate video shoot in a brightly lit office.

Where shouldn’t I use my 80% video?

There really aren’t any channels where your 80% video cannot be used. However, there are some external factors, such as local country regulations, that you need to consider, as you cannot promote your device online in all countries.

Additionally, different countries have different clinical workflows and reimbursement structures, meaning the common questions you get in the UK may be different from those you receive in Germany. This will mean that different questions will likely need to be answered.

Your 80% video

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of what an 80% video is and how it can be used in your buyer’s journey.

The most important takeaway from this article is that the 80% video can be shared at any point in your buyer’s journey where you believe it can improve the sales cycle. Allowing you to answer you audience’s fears and issues and concerns more directly, giving them the confidence to move forward in their buyer’s journey.

About Podymos

At Podymos, we know you want to be a disruptive medical device company that makes a genuine impact on patients' lives. To achieve this, you need communications that approach things differently, so that you can get your device to patients faster. 

Book a call with our team to break away from the same old way of doing things and create disruptive sales and marketing channels that set you apart, ensuring your device is impossible to miss.  

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