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How do I maintain consistency in my medtech marketing?

How do I maintain consistency in my medtech marketing?

Do you find it hard to keep your marketing consistent across all your campaigns? Do you worry that you may have been confusing your audience with inconsistent messaging? 

Consistent marketing matters because it acts as a clear, guiding voice for your brand. It ensures that every interaction is familiar, helping customers understand and remember your medical devices. 

Studies show that consistent branding can significantly increase revenue, as it resonates more deeply with customers. 

To reach this point, your audience needs to come into contact with your brand at least 15 times before they take action. This works best when all your marketing and branding are consistent; if you are inconsistent, then you set the counter right back to zero. 

This consistency builds trust, a key factor in your audience’s decision-making process. This is why we’ve put together this guide on how to stay consistent in your marketing. 

Learn more about why consistency so important in marketing.

1. Stick to your message

Knowing what your brand’s message is and sticking to it is foundational to keeping your marketing efforts consistent. 

By creating a messaging playbook, you can keep your marketing on track and maintain a consistent message across all your campaigns. This playbook should be filled with a set of rules and guidelines that you and your team can refer to in order to keep things consistent. 

It’s important that everyone on your team has access to this playbook, as it will help you stay consistent in all areas of your marketing. 

Your messaging playbook should include things like: 

  • Tagline 
  • Brand lexicon 
  • Core messages 
  • Call-to-actions 

By referring to this playbook, your team can maintain a uniform tone and style, which helps your audience quickly recognise and feel at ease with your brand. This consistency not only reinforces brand recall but also builds credibility and trust—especially important in the medical device industry, where clear, reliable information is key. 

Recallability is all about being firmly cemented in your target audience’s mind so that when they are ready to make a purchase, you are the first brand they think of. Consistency in your marketing is how you make that connection with your target audience. 

If you’re interested in learning more about what goes into a messaging playbook, you should read our complete guide to messaging projects. 

2. Being consistent in your branding

Keeping your branding consistent is crucial for recognition and recall, and a brand guideline is your blueprint for this consistency. Consistent use of visual elements can increase brand recognition by up to 80%.  

This creates comfort, which in turn can boost audience trust and loyalty. 

One of the best ways to do this is to create a brand guide. Similar to the messaging playbook, this guide will help you create marketing materials that stay true to your brand. With brand guidelines, you eliminate guesswork and varied interpretations, ensuring that whether a customer sees a billboard or a tweet, they immediately connect the dots to your brand. 

These guides usually include: 

  • Logos 
  • Colour schemes 
  • Fonts 
  • Visual assets
A graphic designer in a red sweater uses a color wheel at her desk, with multiple screens showing photo thumbnails and editing software.3. Building templates

Using standardised templates is a practical strategy for maintaining consistency in your marketing materials.  

For instance, you can create templates for your social media posts and marketing emails. These templates would provide a uniform structure, incorporating key brand elements like logos, colour schemes, and typography. 

While templates ensure a consistent brand appearance, it’s important to note that they might limit creativity and uniqueness in individual messages. Balancing the use of templates with opportunities for creative, distinct content can lead to a more dynamic and engaging brand presence. 

Additionally, while templates can simplify and speed up the content creation process, it’s crucial to regularly review and update them to keep your brand relevant and responsive to changing market trends and customer preferences. 

However, be aware that it’s important not to change things up too much, as your brand needs to remain recognisable. 

4. Managing your timelines

Managing timelines is a crucial aspect of maintaining brand consistency. If you decide to update your brand, it’s important to do so gradually. Abrupt changes can disrupt your audience’s brand recognition. 

Instead, you could plan a phased approach, introducing new brand elements over several campaigns or months. This allows your audience to adjust and familiarise themselves with the updates without losing the connection to the brand they already know. 

Gradual changes ensure that the brand evolves while retaining its core identity and the loyalty of its audience. It’s about striking a balance between freshness and familiarity, ensuring a smooth transition in the eyes of your customers. 

Is it worth it?

Maintaining consistency in marketing is a worthwhile practice. Consistent branding across all platforms enhances brand recognition and fosters trust with your audience, key factors in building a loyal customer base. 
By presenting a uniform image and message, you simplify the decision-making process for consumers, making it easier for them to choose your brand over competitors. 

In a landscape flooded with information and choices, consistency in marketing can be the deciding factor that sets your brand apart, ensuring long-term success and customer loyalty. 

This strategic approach not only strengthens your brand’s identity but also contributes to a more substantial and lasting impact in the market. 

About Podymos

At Podymos, we know you want to be a disruptive medical device company that makes a genuine impact on patients' lives. To achieve this, you need communications that approach things differently, so that you can get your device to patients faster. 

Book a call with our team to break away from the same old way of doing things and create disruptive sales and marketing channels that set you apart, ensuring your device is impossible to miss.  

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