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How to write articles that address your audience problems

How to write articles that address your audience problems

Could addressing your device’s challenges and your audience’s worries actually boost your revenue?

Understandably, discussing the limitations of your device might seem counterintuitive – but what if there was a way to turn your device’s limitations into a strategic advantage?

Writing articles that directly tackle the problems and questions of your audience will significantly shorten the sales cycle, but also build a foundation of trust with your audience that leads to higher conversion rates. This isn’t just about producing content; it’s about creating value for your company and your customers.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why openly discussing your problems may be off-putting, as well as the benefits it can offer for your business.

By the end of this article, you should be armed with the information you need to decide whether writing pricing and cost articles is the right path for you.

Medical device marketer typing on a laptop and adding UTMs to their multichannel campaign-minWhat are problem articles? 

Every device, no matter how innovative, has its limitations, yet these are rarely discussed. It’s understandable; why would you willingly spotlight the imperfections of your device?

But consider this: would you rather have a potential customers learn about a device’s shortcomings on their own, or worse, from a competitor?

By addressing these concerns through articles, you not only establish transparency but also position yourself as a trusted and informed source in the industry. This approach demystifies potential concerns, offering both the problem and its solution, and in doing so, alleviates buyer apprehension.

It’s a proactive approach to content, one that’s been championed by thought leaders like Marcus Sheridan in his ‘They Ask, You Answer’ business philosophy and implemented by thousands of companies to date outside (and a few inside) of the MedTech industry.

To exemplify what we’re referring to, here are some potential problem article titles:

  • “Why is [medical device] not working and what you can do about it?”
  • “Common pitfalls with [medical device] and how to overcome them.”
  • “[number] things to consider before buying [medical device]”

Other types of problem articles

As well as discussing the specific problems of your medical device, you can also branch out to target the general problems in your industry and the clinical challenges your audience may be facing.

For example, if you’re marketing a cardiac monitoring device, you might choose to publish an article titled “How can I get real-time data on my patient’s heart activity”. In this example, you would be addressing the challenge of accessing real-time data and offering the solution i.e. your device.

These types of articles are great for capturing your audience’s attention when they’re most engaged, placing your brand prominently on their radar. However, you may opt to focus on these articles at a later stage, after establishing a solid backlog of content that your sales team can leverage to facilitate the sales journey and transform leads into customers.

You can learn more about how content can affect the sales cycle by reading our article on how customer-centric content can support your sales force.

Tips for writing problem articles

Now that you understand the core of problem articles, you may be wondering how to create one successfully.

Start by identifying the topic

Determining which problems to write about can be a difficult task. A key principle to guide this decision is the potential impact that your device has on the user’s journey and the problems that might come with it.

Consider the following: Could the problem stop your users from achieving their goals? Might it introduce unforeseen costs? Is there a risk of the device failing or malfunctioning?

It’s important to address these questions in your content. This proactive approach not only underscores transparency but also reinforces the trust your audience places in you.

Embrace transparency

Writing problem articles is about presenting a comprehensive, balanced view of your device, acknowledging both its ground-breaking capabilities and any potential limitations. True transparency isn’t about promoting; it’s about informing.

By offering a balanced perspective, you empower your audience with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. If audiences detect even a hint of insincerity, trust wanes, and the risk of them feeling put off by a sales pitch grows.

Present solutions

Highlighting challenges is only half the story. For every problem presented, there is also an opportunity to provide a solution. This approach not only recognises the issues faced by users but also offers them a way forward.

By giving readers clear, actionable steps, you not only equip them with knowledge but also instil the confidence they need to proceed with a purchase.

The power of addressing problems head-on

Navigating the world of medical device marketing requires more than just showcasing the strengths of your products. It’s about understanding your audience, addressing their concerns with transparency, and providing solutions that resonate.

Crafting problem articles, when done right, not only positions you as a trusted authority in the field but also empowers your readers with the knowledge they need. By embracing transparency, you’re not just creating content; you’re building relationships and improving patient outcomes.

As you move forward, remember the power of authenticity and the impact of well-informed, balanced content. In this ever-evolving landscape, it’s your genuine commitment to your audience that will set you apart.

About Podymos

At Podymos, we know you want to be a disruptive medical device company that makes a genuine impact on patients' lives. To achieve this, you need communications that approach things differently, so that you can get your device to patients faster. 

Book a call with our team to break away from the same old way of doing things and create disruptive sales and marketing channels that set you apart, ensuring your device is impossible to miss.  

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