Podymos | Learning Center

What information needs to be on your medical device website?

Written by Podymos team | Sep 9, 2024 12:42:29 PM

Have you wondered why your audience has been reaching your website but not converting? Is your online presence tailored to not just attract, but also retain and convert your audience into loyal customers?

Your website should be the best version of your company’s identity as well as your best salesperson. The content it hosts must drive your business’s success. It’s not just about having a sleek design or the most sophisticated features; it’s about ensuring that every page, every section, and every word aligns with the needs and questions of your visitors, expediting their adoption journey.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a blueprint for a website that doesn’t just look good but performs brilliantly, turning your audience into engaged customers, whether they’re HCPs, patients or regulatory managers.

Golden rules for providing information on your website

This section of the article will look at the 3 golden rules you need to keep in mind when creating content for your website.

These rules are applicable across all pages of your website. They’re designed to enhance your communication effectiveness, making them valuable not only for your website but also for your broader marketing and sales materials.

All content needs to be customer-centric

A customer-centric strategy to creating your website’s copy means tailoring every word to align with the specific issues, fears and concerns your audience has when considering adopting your technology.

In practical terms, this means prioritising discussions about how your products and services can solve your audiences’ problems or enhance their workflows and outcomes, rather than merely highlighting the features of your devices.

For instance, instead of simply stating the technical specifications of a new cardiac monitor, your website should illustrate the problem you solve, which could be how your device makes cardiac monitoring more accurate and efficient for cardiologists.

This could involve explaining how the device’s advanced sensors provide more precise readings, leading to better patient outcomes, or how its user-friendly interface saves time for busy healthcare professionals.

This approach demonstrates an understanding of your audience’s daily challenges and positions your products as solutions, thereby fostering a stronger connection with potential clients. It shifts the focus from the device itself to the benefits it offers to the end-user, aligning the content more closely with the needs and interests of your target audience in the medical device sector. Just remember, it’s not about you, it’s all about them!

Here is a quick way to test how customer centric your website copy really is. How many times do the words ‘You / Your’ appear on the page versus ‘We/Are’ or your company name. The ratio should be 7:1 You/Your to We/Are, but normally it is heavily skewed in the other direction, meaning this could be a quick win to make your site immediately more engaging for your audience.

Messaging needs to be clear and consistent

A website with clear messaging is essential for any brand. It serves as the initial point of interaction, quickly informing visitors that you’re the correct company to solve their issues.

Simplicity in messaging is crucial! This is illustrated by a quote from Donald Miller of Storybrand. He says, ‘If you confuse you lose’ and ‘people don’t buy the best products, they buy the ones they can understand the fastest’

Effective messaging is more than just conveying information; it’s about building a relationship of trust with the audience. Clear, direct and unbiased communication fosters credibility, making visitors more likely to engage with the brand.

This trust is a key factor between your company and your visitors and is what enables them to feel confident to move forward in their buyer’s journey, taking such actions as, subscribing for updates, or engaging with interactive content.

But, how do you create effective messaging? To learn more, check out our messaging guide on How to effectively implement your brand messaging, so you too can streamline your website to meet your audience’s needs.

Be specific to your audience

It’s possible to have a few different audiences in mind when creating your content, especially in medical device where you might find yourself having to cater to both HCPs, patients, investors and procurement teams. However, it’s important that you don’t try to cater for different audiences on the same page.

This will result in confusion, inconsistency, and a disruption in the buyer’s journey. Consequently, your content will become generalised and nonspecific, failing to effectively target and assist your audience. Remember, if you confuse you lose, and this is never more than true than with generalised or overloaded website pages.

Is your website getting visitors, but not conversions? It could be your messaging. 

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Don’t overload your visitors 

The golden rule for website content is clarity through simplicity. An overabundance of information or overly complex language can muddle your message and disrupt the buyer’s journey.

You need to focus on only including the information that will help your audience make their buying decision, anything else is unnecessary and might overload and overwhelm your audience.

The best way to avoid overloading information is to put yourself in the mind of your audience. Often companies fall victim to the “Curse of Knowledge,” wherein they assume their audience knows as much as they do, which is often not the case. This bias can lead to websites and communications cluttered with technical jargon and excessive details, causing information overload for the customer.

To prevent this, you must simplify your message, by distilling information to what is essential and beneficial for your customer.

What information do you need on your homepage? 

Your homepage should be the central page of your website and is usually the first page your audience encounters, so it’s a good practice to keep the content concise to encourage them to explore more.

The header of your site should be your first priority, as it’s the first thing your visitors see. It needs to be eye-catching and succinctly convey the most important information your audience needs to know. Can you solve their problem!

To ensure your header does this, it should answer the following three questions:

What you do

When a visitor lands on your website, it’s essential to straight away clarify what your company does. For example, if your company focuses on manufacturing advanced cardiac monitors, this should be the first detail that greets your audience. Or, if you’re an innovator in orthopaedic implants, ensure that this information is prominently displayed right from the start.

This is distinct from “Who are we?” While your brand’s identity is undoubtedly important, it’s not the first thing your visitors need to know unless they’re specifically looking for it. Prioritise clarity about your products or services on your main pages. Focus on the ‘what’ before the ‘who’ to guide your audience.

An example of this could be:

“Revolutionising Cardiac Care with State-of-the-Art Monitoring Technology.”

This headline immediately informs visitors that the company specialises in advanced technology for cardiac monitoring, emphasising innovation in cardiac care.

The problems you solve

After clarifying your company’s offerings, the next step is to articulate your unique edge: how does your company stand out, and what solutions do you provide? You need to address the added value that your audience gets from working with you in addition to solving their problem.

Highlighting the solutions rather than the problems engages your audience and builds trust, positioning you as a proactive problem-solver. After all your audience is on their own journey to success and they need to know how you are going to help them get there.

This approach solidifies your company’s necessity and purpose within your industry, helping your audience comprehend the role you play and the unique value you bring to them.

An example of this could be:

“HeartGuardian revolutionises cardiac care with HeartSync technology, predicting and preventing cardiac events. Integrated monitors offer real-time data, allowing for expedited decision making to enhance patient care.”

How visitors can take the next step

The next priority is to initiate the audience’s journey towards adoption. It clearly outlines the necessary steps a customer should follow to onboard with you, detailing where and how this can be done.

Breaking down your sales process into 3 simple steps is a great way to encourage conversion. Think of it like stepping stones across a pond, where the visitor can see exactly how they will reach the other side.

We suggest keeping it to 3 steps as psychologically speaking, the brain finds it relatively to grasps 3s, but as soon as you push into 4 steps it becomes more difficult to comprehend.

In practical terms, a very simplified version of this might look like ‘Book your call’, ‘Speak to an expert’, ‘Receive a proposal’.

By showing them exactly what to expect, you remove the unknown and reassure them of what will happen if they reach out.

What information do you need in your learning center?

What if the main pages alone are not enough to provide all the information users require to make a purchasing decision?

What if your visitors still have issues, fears and concerns about using your technology causing their adoption timeline to stagnate? This is where you’re learning center comes into play, addressing all their issues, fears and concerns through more detailed content.

It should include articles, videos, and guides that transparently and accurately respond to the most frequently asked questions. This approach not only alleviates your audience’s issues, fears and concerns but also empowers them with knowledge.

Content could include titles such as ‘What variables affect the cost of ‘[device]’’ and ‘What could go wrong with [device]?’.

Equipped with this information, they can better decide if your company meets their needs, and in turn, if they’re the ideal customer for you. This leads to more meaningful interactions with qualified leads, shortening sales cycles and increasing conversion rates.

If you want to find out more about how a learning center can elevate and supercharge your marketing, then check out our article ‘Learning centers: Should you have one?’

What information do you need on your about us page?

Striking the right balance between customer-focused content and information is an essential task.

Aim to allocate approximately 30% of your site’s content (outside of your learning centre) to your brand story, spreading this sparingly across various pages with a focus on the ‘About Us’ section. You should only talk about your brand and its history when it’s relevant to your audience. The truth is that unless what you’re saying adds value to your audience, they don’t really care.

For example, if your medical device company develops products for a specific disease, inspired by the founder’s personal experience with that medical issue, sharing this story on your ‘About Us’ page adds value. It showcases empathy and understanding towards your customers, enhancing both the product and the brand.

Details about team members should be shared selectively, spotlighting those individuals who will play a direct role in the customer’s experience. This approach links the personal aspects of your brand with the customer’s journey, creating relevance and connection while avoiding the clutter of less relevant information.

However, talking about your company’s history and the awards you’ve won will likely hold little value to your audience and therefore your site.

What are the next steps?

Planning is the crucial first step in developing and organising your website’s content. It involves thinking about how your messaging will resonate with your audience and mapping their journey from the landing page to key focus areas.

Prioritise a customer-centric approach to ensure your audience easily finds the information needed to answer their issues, concerns and fears about adopting your technology, and remove all unnecessary information to enhance their overall user experience.
If you need help developing your messaging, or you would like assistance with overall website development, book your call with us for a free no-obligation discussion about immediate improvements you can make to boost your sites performance and messaging simplicity.

Your website should be the best version of your company’s identity as well as your best salesperson. The content it hosts must drive your business’s success. It’s not just about having a sleek design or the most sophisticated features; it’s about ensuring that every page, every section, and every word aligns with the needs and questions of your visitors, expediting their adoption journey.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a blueprint for a website that doesn’t just look good but performs brilliantly, turning your audience into engaged customers, whether they’re HCPs, patients or regulatory managers.