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5 mistakes that could be slowing the success of your medical website

Written by Podymos team | Sep 6, 2024 10:08:31 AM

Should your website be doing more for your business? Is it falling short in engaging your audience or not the dynamic lead-generating powerhouse you envisioned? 

In today’s digital landscape, a website needs to be more than just an online information source—it’s the hub of your online marketing success. When expertly crafted, it guides your audience through their buyer’s journey, transforming them into qualified leads. But why isn’t your website delivering the results you expect? 

This article outlines the top five mistakes that, when addressed, will likely improve your website’s performance. By the end, you’ll not only be able to spot these errors on your website, but you’ll also know precisely how to rectify them. 

1. The curse of knowledge

The ‘curse of knowledge’ is a cognitive bias where those deeply versed in their subject matter inadvertently assume their audience shares a similar level of understanding. 

This misjudgement can lead to a pivotal error in marketing: creating content for an audience believed to be well-versed, when in reality, they might be just scratching the surface. You might rate your knowledge level as a 9 out of 10 and assume your audience is at a 6. But what if they’re actually at a 2? 

This disconnect could not only dilute your core message but also alienate your audience. In the medical device industry, where precision is paramount, this oversight can be a silent deterrent to converting your website visitors into loyal customers. 


Addressing this challenge may require more than a minor adjustment; it could involve a comprehensive overhaul of your communication strategy. This might mean re-evaluating your messaging or even a complete website redesign to ensure your core message aligns with your audience’s needs and comprehension level. 

Crafting the ideal message for your medical device website isn’t straightforward but it can yield transformative results. If you’re curious about the potential impact of well-executed messaging, explore our article on messaging projects and their impact. 

2. Talking too much about you

Navigating the digital realm, especially for medical device websites, requires a nuanced understanding of your audience’s motivations. 

While it’s tempting to spotlight your company’s accolades and milestones, remember this: visitors primarily land on your site seeking solutions to their challenges, hoping you hold the key to their aspirations. 

These visitors are on a mission—be it enhancing their medical practice, improving patient care, or simply elevating their quality of life. Yet, obstacles stand in their way. Your role? Demonstrating how your offerings directly address these hurdles. 

Drowning them in company-centric details that don’t align with their concerns can be counterproductive because they simply don’t care about it. Your content needs to be less about brand promotion and more about facilitating their journey to success. 

Though the allure of showcasing company triumphs is strong, it’s essential to discern what truly resonates with your audience. They’re less intrigued by “we provide x” and more by “how x benefits you.” 

A simple way to gauge how well you’re doing this is to scrutinise your content’s language. Phrasing that gravitates towards “you” and “your” tends to strike a chord, as opposed to a “we-centric” narrative. 


When creating content, it’s pivotal to emphasise the solutions you offer and how they pave the way for your audience’s aspirations. Regularly assess the relevance of the information you share. Pose the question, “Does this insight bolster my audience’s decision-making journey?” 

A practical rule of thumb for crafting audience-focused content is to monitor the balance between “we” or “our” and “you” or “your.” Strive for a dynamic where, for each reference to “we” or “our,” there’s a sevenfold mention of “you” or “your.” 

3. Too few CTAs

Are you making the most of your Call to Action (CTA) opportunities? A common oversight many medical device companies make is not including their primary CTA frequently enough on their pages. Typically, the main goal for such companies is to prompt users to reach out, leading to the prevalent use of the ‘contact us’ CTA. 

However, merely placing this CTA at the beginning and end of the page isn’t enough. Why? Because you can’t predict the exact moment a visitor is ready to take action. By limiting the CTA’s visibility, you’re inadvertently adding an unnecessary step for your audience. Remember, the essence of a great user experience is simplifying the journey for your visitors. 


The remedy is straightforward: pepper your main CTA throughout your pages. Ensure it’s always within arm’s reach when your audience decides to act. A pro tip? Boost its visibility by keeping its appearance consistent across your site. That means using uniform copy, colour, and size for your CTA, making it instantly recognisable. 

Want to delve deeper into the power of consistency? Explore our article on the importance of maintaining consistency in marketing. 

4. Using non-specific CTAs

Have you ever felt uncertain about clicking on a “Contact us” or “Learn more” button? You’re not alone. Many companies, in their bid to engage users, often opt for generic CTAs. 

The issue with such CTAs is their lack of clarity. When a visitor encounters them, they’re left guessing what lies beyond that click. Without a clear mental picture of the CTA’s destination, they might hesitate, or worse, decide not to proceed. 


The key is to be direct and transparent with your CTAs. Spell out the action you want your audience to take. CTAs like “Book my 30-minute call” or “Sign up for my trial” paint a clear picture. With these, there’s no ambiguity. Such clarity equips visitors with the knowledge of the outcome of clicking the button, eliminating any guesswork or apprehension. 

5. Lack of clarity regarding next steps

Ever been left pondering what will happen once you reach out to a company? It’s a sentiment shared by many, and likely, your audience too. The ambiguity surrounding the subsequent steps can deter potential clients from initiating contact. 

It’s a leap of faith for your audience, venturing into the unfamiliar. Recognising this apprehension is crucial, and it’s crucial to offer clarity and assurance, encouraging them to take that decisive step. 


One effective way to offer clarity is by outlining a clear, step-by-step process of what they can expect after they get in touch. For instance, for medical device websites, a straightforward flow like “schedule a consultation, discuss requirements, initiate a trial” can illuminate the path ahead, offering a tangible blueprint of forthcoming interactions. 

Moreover, integrating a video walkthrough can be transformative. Guiding your audience visually not only demystifies subsequent steps but also introduces a human element. The presence of a face and voice renders the entire process more relatable and less intimidating. 

The overarching issue that stumps medical device companies

Although the temptation to include every detail is strong, it’s important to be selective. A key takeaway from our top website insights is to always focus on the user's perspective. Continually posing the question, ‘Does this facilitate my audience’s decision-making?’ can be your compass, steering clear of common missteps. 

So, as you embark on creating or refining your website, let that question guide you. If an element doesn’t seem to align with your audience’s needs, it’s a chance to recalibrate and ensure a balanced, user-first approach.