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Top 5 things stoping you from becoming an industry thought leader

Written by Podymos team | Sep 6, 2024 10:03:28 AM

Are you about to embark on your new content strategy but are worried about all the things that can go wrong? Are you looking for a way to ensure that your content marketing is a success? 

Getting started with Marcus Sheridan’s They Ask, You Answer business philosophy can be highly rewarding, in fact, when implemented correctly, businesses can become the dominant voice in their space in just 18 months. 

It probably sounds too good to be true, but it really is possible. However, that doesn’t mean it’s easy and there are many barriers you’ll need to overcome to reach such ambitious heights in such a short timeframe. 

In this article, we’ll outline the 6 main things that can go wrong when implementing the They Ask, You Answer inbound marketing content strategy so that you can kickstart your journey and hopefully avoid the barriers that could hold you back. 

Not having complete company buy-in 

One of the first problems that can delay your success is not having full company commitment. 

They Ask, You Answer is designed to completely transform your approach to content creation and sales, and your marketing team will need assistance from multiple areas of your company. More than just a content strategy, They Ask, You Answer becomes the culture of your company, with every team member listening intently, and like never before, to your customer’s needs. 

The support for content creation can come in many different forms. To be successful, the members of your team (I.e. sales, R&D, customer service) must support you by acting as SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) or by helping to plan new content based on customer interactions. 

Not having the right team

The They Ask, You Answer framework requires numerous skills to become truly successful, and the volume of content you need to create is more than one person alone can handle. 

Recruiting a Content Manager who can organise and write your content is a great place to start. They will be the owner of They Ask, You Answer and will need to interact with individuals across all areas of your business. So, they need to be highly organised, driven and enthusiastic, but they also need to be personable and easy to work with. 

This person will create the content that addresses the questions your audience is searching for, but further down the line you may decide to hire another copywriter to expedite content creation. The faster you’re able to publish content, the faster you will see success. Graduates, particularly with journalism degrees, make ideal candidates for these roles as they are passionate about writing and are excellent interviewers. 

Following this, it’s worthwhile investing in a videographer to create professional videos. This is an important step in the process, as 80-85% of all website traffic is currently driven by video content. It’s many people’s preferred medium to consume content, probably because video content is understood 60,000x quicker than the written word. You really cannot afford to miss out on 80-85% of internet traffic. 

Ensure you get it right when implementing They Ask, You Answer by working with Podymos, the only certified They Ask, You Answer coaching team dedicated to medical device 

Not creating customer-centric content

One of the biggest problems that’ll prevent you from dominating your digital space isn’t creating your content based on the questions that your audience is actually asking. 

Forging a connection with your audience begins with a customer-centric content strategy. 

This means each element of your content is thoughtfully crafted to address the issues, fears and concerns of your audience. Instead of showcasing the features of your medical devices, focus on how they solve real-world problems or enhance medical workflows. It’s all about understanding the challenges your audience faces by listening to the questions they are asking your team day after day. 

Embracing this approach will shift the narrative from what your products are to what they can achieve for the user. This not only answers your audience’s most pressing questions but also builds trust by making it clear that your focus is on them, not just the technology. 

Creating biased content

For a customer-centric approach to be genuinely effective, the content must be rooted in truthfulness and honesty. When discussing how a product can address specific challenges, it’s crucial to present factual information without exaggeration or bias. 

Any claims made must be verifiable, and any data presented should be backed by credible sources. 

In an era where misinformation is rampant, audiences are increasingly sceptical. They value transparency and can quickly discern when content is biased or overstates the facts. When customers detect bias or dishonesty, trust is broken, which can lead to a loss of credibility and authority within your company. 

By ensuring that your content upholds the highest standards of honesty, you reinforce your brand’s reliability. This strategy isn’t just about avoiding the pitfalls of bias—it’s about building a reputation as a trustworthy advisor in the medical device sector. When potential clients know they can rely on your content to make informed decisions, you don’t just win their attention—you earn their confidence and loyalty.

Not having an optimised website

Optimising your website is crucial for dominating the digital space in your industry as it should be the convergence point for all your marketing channels, providing a key touchpoint for customer engagement. 

Optimising your website isn’t just about refining your content; it also means making sure search engines rank your pages favourably. Using the right keywords, sharing relevant links to other articles and including meta deceptions are all things that you can do to optimise your content. 

To learn more about how you can optimise your articles check out our SEO guide on our learning hub. 

Additionally, think about ways you can craft a user-friendly experience that captivates visitors and smoothly guides them through their purchasing journey. A good user experience is marked by intuitive navigation, enabling users to effortlessly locate the information they need to make informed buying decisions. 

What happens next?

Harnessing the power of They Ask, You Answer can transform your digital presence. However, awareness of the six key challenges outlined in this article is crucial. 

By sidestepping these common pitfalls, you can fully realise the strategy’s potential, ensuring that your journey towards digital dominance is given the best chance of success. 

Embrace this approach with diligence and foresight, and your brand will not only grow but become the benchmark of success in your industry.